Are you tired of the "p" word yet? Pinterest, pinterest, pinterest. Well, I can't get away from it, that's for sure.
But, going back to the title... Pinterest has a bazillion ideas about organizing, and my organization board is one of my favorites. However, what I mean by organization is getting purposeful about using Pinterest to simplify your life.
As an example, four years ago I fell in love with this bedroom from a Southern Living (issue April 2008). So, I clipped it, put it in a sheet cover, and filed it in a binder, as I was in the habit of doing. But, now I have pinned it (and many other previously clipped ideas) and thrown the paper out.
Another thought... I found recently that I didn't have time to go to the gym. So, I pin workouts that I can do when it's convenient. It's saving me time and money.
I love magazines. Actual print will likely always be a draw for me. However, I am less tempted to stock up on them, knowing that Pinterest is available for my use, thereby saving my money. Let's all hope Pinterest founders escape legal trouble. Time to can Pinterest simplify your life?