Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tried and True Tuesday

Here's a fun project for both kids and grownups.  I got the idea from Pinterest, but the picture did not have a web link.  So I'll not steal the image and repost here.  You can use any flat surface for a "to-do list" on which to put clothes pins.  The idea is to move the pins from one side to the other when tasks are completed.  I purchased these door hangers at the Dollar Tree, $1 for a pack of three.  I also purchased a pack of 36 clothes pins there also. 

I used a Sharpie to write down the tasks.  The reason we call it a schedule is because that is the lingo The Husband uses when talking about his work, and anything Dad does/likes/eats is the bee's knees.  I wanted to draw pictures for tasks, too, since my kids are not reading yet.

Each pin of Dash's has a cheering message on one side (which I read aloud to him), and a football sticker with "TOUCHDOWN" on the flip side.  Ivy's is a bit simpler.
And now for the "big kids"...

I made this a few years ago for my weekly tasks, but I may soon add one for daily tasks, too.  Here's the scoop...  these were made from days-of-the-week magnets purchased from the dollar bins at Michael's.  I then used my label maker to create stickers.  If you don't have a label maker, you could decopauge some.  And, just like the kids' schedules, I move the magnets from one side of the fridge to the other.  They can make good gifts if you believe the recipient wouldn't be offended (i.e. "You must think my house is a mess!").  They could also be adapted to a classroom schedule.


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