If you are very particular about how your laundry's sorted, either you're gonna need a paradigm shift (which is what I had), or this might not be for you. But it has simplified my life so much. One of those "Why didn't I think of that?!" ideas. Parents, give it a chance; those who don't have families, file it away for future reference.
Here it goes... Rather than collecting all the laundry and sorting it, when one person has enough laundry for a load, you wash it. While you're gathering those clothes, strip the sheets off that person's bed. You've skipped sorting before washing AND after. Another plus is that my children, who will be washing their own laundry in a few years, see me do their individual laundry--not some drawn out process of separation. It is easy enough for them to do when they're ready. My one exception to this habit is whites. They still get their own load, and obviously towels are a separate load.
Fly Lady always advocates doing a load of laundry a day. This took me a while to get used to. But, if you often feel chained to your washing machine on laundry day, this is the solution. When Ivy, the fourth family member, was born, I found I needed to do two loads a day to stay on top of it. Do what works for you. It is such a life saver when you have an emergency and can't do laundry for a couple of days. You were never behind. Blessings!